First Home Buyers
This topic is really important to aspiring young people like you so the team here at Vault Plus Mortgages will do our best to make things much clearer for you here and start you on that most rewarding path to home ownership.
This investment strategy allows savvy young people to keep their current lifestyle but also benefit from long term gains from a well chosen investment property.
Upgrading / Downsizing
If you are fortunate enough to own your own home and looking to upgrade or even down-size then there are a number of considerations to think of. But don’t stress as we’ve got the numbers sorted.
Bridging Finance
Most property transactions are arranged whereby the sale of your current home and the purchase of your new home happens simultaneously on the one day. It’s kinda cool and bizarre how this comes together ‘against the odds’ but invariably it does.
Investing into Property
The performance of residential real estate as an investment is undeniable. It has provided sound and consistent investment returns over the long term for many years and is seen by many as the most ‘risk averse’ investment class there is.
Investing Using a Joint Venture
There are two main reasons that people might consider purchasing an investment property under a Joint Venture arrangement. The overwhelming primary reason is that financially people are not able to fund the investment individually by themselves.
There are a few genuine situations whereby you could consider refinancing your borrowings. Here we outline some common circumstances where there is a discernible benefit to you.
Deposit Bonds
Essentially Deposit Bonds are a ‘promise to pay’ from the purchaser to the seller (vendor) and are often used by people in varying stages of property ownership.